Electrical Engineering and Electronics

In electrical engineering and electronics BATEGU offers high-precision small and microparts (e.g. with a part weight of 0.004 g), low-frequency bearings, noise insulation, drive elements and microphone and motor grommets. Electrically isolating mountings, cable guides, special seals, and draw rolls are also among BATEGU’s products.

Whether highly absorbing or highly elastic, electrically conductive or isolating, we can change the material properties to meet the customer’s needs. In home appliances, food processors or razors, the applications of BATEGU products are as varied as their characteristics.

BATEGU mainly supplies customer-specific components with special requirements, but also standardized products. Ask our application technology at tel. +43 1 368 21 53-23 or by e-mail to office@bategu.at, we will be happy to advise you.



+43 1 368 21 53-0


+43 1 368 21 53 24




Hirschstettner Straße 19/O
1220 Vienna